Credit Cards Suck!

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Organized Subversion!

Here's a quick and simple way to fight back against those corporate marketing scum bags behind our nation's credit card epidemic. Hit 'em where it hurts: First, in their pocketbooks, 2nd by attacking their "strategic" marketing efforts.

  • Go to your mailbox
  • Separate your legitimate mail from the "time sensitive, pre-approved, respond immediately" crap
  • Shred all pieces with your name on it
  • Take the postage paid return envelope included in the mailing and keep it handy
  • Chose letter 1, letter 2 or letter 3 that best sums up your feelings towards these faceless, heartless weasels
  • Print out that letter (or write your own), fold and insert it in the postage paid envelope and mail it back at their expense
  • Write, call, fax or e-mail your congressmen, senators and the "Dubya" hisself and tell them to stop playing favoritism to these financial giants
  • Control your spending habits by living below your means!

Letters in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees

If you're as pissed off as we are, then you'll want to express yourself in every way possible. We don't recommend sending back your dog's droppings in those postage paid envelopes (back don't let us stop you...). But we do recommend printing out a letter and mailing it off at their expense.

Letter 1 is a nice and simple place to start, especially if you feel a little "dirty" for doing such a thing. It basically tells them a few truths in a toned down format.

Letter 2 comes across as being more harsh and direct. Its emotionally driven headline "Whores! Whores! Whores!" immediately establishes the tone and your hostile sentiments. And as a bonus, you pick which salutation to start off your letter o' shame!

Letter 3 takes the latter and puts a south of the border twist on it. Puta is just whore in Mexican but doesn't it sound dirtier? Probably because we hear the word "whore" a lot on regular TV...



And the Letters O' Shame are...


Letter 1 - "To whom it may concern:" Nice, informal and saccharin coated for her pleasure

Letter 2 - "Dear Money Grubbing Hosebags..." Now we're getting a little testy! You chose your level of hate and loathing...

Letter 3 - "Putas de Putas!" Ooooh, sticks and stones may break their bones... but Mexican cursing should do the trick!