Credit Cards Suck!

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Yes, our esteemed House of Representatives have crapped on us again. Special interest money has changed hands and the giant conglomerate banks are on their way to a victory against America's middle class. Now it's in the hands of the Senate. Read on for more info on this depressing subject... and don't forget to get involved!

House Passes Bankruptcy Limits: Measure Would Make It Harder for Consumers to Wipe Out All Debts
The House approved legislation yesterday that would revamp the nation's bankruptcy law by making it harder for consumers to wipe out their debts... more>>

House OKs Bankruptcy Reform to Curb Ability to Forgo Debts Finances: The bill, much like one that was vetoed by Clinton, would force more people to repay their debts
WASHINGTON--The House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a major bankruptcy reform bill that seeks to squeeze more payments out of people with delinquent credit card accounts and other kinds of debt. Republican backers predicted swift Senate action and enactment into law of a measure that the financial services industry has long sought. Then-President Clinton vetoed nearly identical legislation late last year, but President Bush has indicated he supports the bankruptcy reform effort... more>>

Foes of Bankruptcy Bill Point Finger at Credit Card Issuers
A consumer group that blames credit card marketing tactics for pushing many Americans over their heads in debt says the industry greatly increased mail solicitations and lines of credit last year, even as it sought legislation to make it harder for consumers to wipe out debt through bankruptcy... more>>

Don't forget about sending out those letters... >>>>>>>


Take Note: If you didn't have your credit card payment of $218 a month, and instead you invested that money in a 12% savings plan, you could retire in 25 years with $1.3 million dollars saved -- that's a lot of slurpees, folks!

V.Y.D. -- Voice Your Disgust

Remember the line, "We the People...?" I have news for you: That's us that they're referring to. "Us" as in the American people, the taxpayers that fund the biggest capitalistic corporation ever, The United States of America. We are all shareholders, yet we constantly let others call the shots.

YOU MUST GET INVOLVED... at least a little. Contact all of your representatives:

Here's your chance to let them know your feelings about these credit card bastards and other state and federal concerns. So Voice Your Disgust today!