Credit Cards Suck!

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Here's the best resource to fight these rich and powerful Political Action Committees (or was that redundant?): (opens new window) (opens new window)

They are suppose to represent us, you and me. Vote 'em out if you have to. But contact them with you disgust of their actions by voting for big business instead of the American people.

Here's a few more articles to educate you and your family on the important subject of credit:

Are You Getting Shafted by Your Credit Card Company?
I hate paying bills. The nasty paper trail they make on my desk. The tedium of check writing. And I especially hate wondering whether I'm getting the best deal on my credit cards... more>> (opens new window)

"There are countless responsibilities that come with owning a credit card, you need to know what you're getting into before you become Visa or Mastercard's best friend."

Credit Card Savvy: Everything you need to charge smart
More and more people are learning that having a credit card is not all fun and games. Sure, you can charge that cool leather jacket or slap down the plastic when it comes time to treat your friend to a swank birthday dinner. But you gotta pay for it all when the bill arrives later that month... more>> (opens new window)

Also recommended...

What Kids Need to Know About Credit Cards (opens new window)

Students and Credit Card Debt (opens new window)

And don't forget about sending out these letters in those annoying postage paid envelopes found in all credit card apps! Go there now!

WASTED MONEY: If your credit card balance is $8,000.00, and you make the minimum monthly payment at 18% interest, it will take you 25 years, 7 months to pay off the debt. You will also pay $15,432 in interest charges (almost twice the balance), bringing your total to $23,432 -- that's a lot of cash!

Here's what you can do:

1) Print out one of these letters (or write your own) and send it back in the postage paid mailers found in all credit card solicitations

2) Tell your family and friends to do the same thing

3) E-mail, call and/or fax your state's senators and urge them not to pass this bill

4) Pay off your bill at the end of each month... don't let others get rich off of your buying impulses

5) Educate yourself on good spending habits