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Help Stop the Senate from Supporting Credit Card Companies! Fight Back Now! Government Representatives should represent US, not big business!

If you're like us, you get lots of credit card offers in the mail. Sure, some are from mainstream banks seeking to boost their customer database; and many are from not so legitimate sources making outrageous claims, some even having the nerve to charge a "nominal" fee of $29.95 per year. Doesn't matter where they come from. I hate 'em all.

>> CREDIT STAT: The average American family has at least two credit cards and owes balances of $10,000 <<

Our mailbox gets these offers on a regular basis. Fortunately, we have excellent credit. But it wasn't always that way. Right outta high school, credit card kiosks on college campuses enticed us with (initially) low interest rates and free sipper bottles. Soon, we were living beyond our means. It took lots of self-discipline and hard work and penny pinching to turn the red into the black. But it did finally happened.

>> CREDIT STAT: Credit card companies solicit the average American 7 times per year through the mail <<

Now these insidious corporations have pushed the limit. They've created a bill that will exempt them from bankruptcy filings. What does this mean? Basically, when a hard working American family gets in over their head in debt, they can take the legal route of filing for bankruptcy. Usually this will wipe clean all of their debt to start anew. Not so with this new bill. The giant credit card issuers -- American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa and others -- are trying to remain in the payback process of the bankruptcy proceedings. Now here's the irony of all of this: Many people get into to such crippling debt because of the damn credit card companies!

>> CREDIT STAT: Almost half the households in America report having difficulty paying their minimum monthly payments <<

"Capitalism is alive and well and hyper-consumerism is its bastard offspring."

Why this is bad: Capitalism is alive and well and hyper-consumerism is its bastard offspring. Any company has the right to make money, even the evil big corporations of the world (you know who I'm talkin' 'bout). If you're too stupid to fork over your cash for any old item or offer, then it's your fault, buddy. Don't be so impulsive next time. However, while these companies are raking in millions of dollars (and billions in some cases) they are collectively and single-handedly buying government officials and changing rules and existing policies. And now they want special treatment when it comes to bankruptcy filings? Gimme a break!

>> CREDIT STAT: Americans paid out approximately $65 billion in interest last year alone <<

So the ever shrinking mom and pop shops of this country get the shaft out of all of this. Use plastic to pay for a whatever and still have to pay it off even if you file for bankruptcy. But finance a dining room set or kitchen appliance from a local merchant and they're left S.O.L. Once again, government kiss-asses don't have the American people's best interest in mind. We're crapped on while the multi-million dollar entities continue to get wealthier and more powerful!

>> CREDIT STAT: Last year, over 1.3 million Americans filed for Bankruptcy <<

Now that you've got the 411, what are you waiting for? Go to the letters section, print out one that fits your sentiments and mail it back in the postage paid return envelope that comes in all credit card solicitations. GO THERE NOW!!! >>>>>

Copyright ©2001 Subversive Apathy

“The credit industry would have you believe it is suffering mightily from the crush of personal bankruptcies. The truth is that bankruptcy filings are down and credit card company profits are at a 5-year high.”
Frank Torres, legislative counsel for the Consumers Union

Here's what you can do:

1) Print out one of these letters (or write your own) and send it back in the postage paid mailers found in all credit card solicitations

2) Tell your family and friends to do the same thing

3) E-mail, call and/or fax your state's senators and urge them not to pass this bill

4) Pay off your bill at the end of each month... don't let others get rich off of your buying impulses

5) Educate yourself on good spending habits